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Langham CE Primary School

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What's On Timetable - January 2025

Oncar's Adventure - a story written by our friend Tracey Dene Powell. (Audio narration download to be found on Tracey's website - follow the link!)


Tracey first came to visit our school over a year ago when she had been inspired by her friend and Langham Resident Bob Sheridan to continue his legacy and love of nature.

Tracey asked for our thoughts about her book at the very initial stages. She wished for our children to contribute their ideas, asking many questions - is it engaging? how can it be improved? what should be included? etc etc etc! 

The children were invited to come to my office if they were interested in giving their viewpoint. It was clear from the show of hands that almost every child was keen to participate. Therefore each house came in turn and up to 30 children from Year 1- 6 squashed into my office to hear the story, listen to the audio and feedback their thoughts!


Being involved in this project has been so exciting. The local theme raised the children's interest from the start and as children have such an innate interest in and often passion for nature we knew we were onto a winner in terms of engagement. The children came up with many thought provoking and of course, honest comments including; give each chapter a name, include a map. The children were delighted their suggestions were listened to and acted upon! 


Not only have we been involved in something very special, Tracy and her team have fully resourced a class set of books for every school in Rutland alongside the audio download for free.

Follow the link to Tracey's website to find out more. 


Diane Rowland

Head Teacher

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