School Hours
School Hours
The school day start promptly at 8.50am, and ends at 3.20pm. A full school week is 32.5 hours.
The school gates will be open from 8.40am to allow families time to drop children off. Nothing is worse for a child than to feel rushed or late at the beginning of the morning. This can have a detrimental effect on them throughout the day.
Children in Years 3 to 6 will enter the Key Stage 2 playground via the green gates. Supervision is provided in the playground for children that may be upset or have an injury. Unfortunately, it is not possible for members of staff to watch carefully over every single child and the school gate will be open during this time frame for the arrival of children to school and the nursery. If you have any concerns that your child may decide to leave the school playground, then we suggest that you wait with your child until the school officially opens at 8.50am.
Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 children are met by members of staff at the gate to the Key Stage 1 playground. Staff will be on the gates to receive the children from 8.40am.
Please do not bring your child before 8.40am and if your child is travelling to school on their own, please ensure they are not arriving early. This is a safeguarding concern and early arrivals are not supervised - their presence is also unknown to staff who are busy in classrooms preparing for the working day.
School finishes at 3.20pm. Foundation and Key Stage 1 children are handed over to the person picking them up, whilst Key Stage 2 children either meet their parents or carers at the school gates or may leave the school grounds on their own however we ask parents to inform the school if they would like their child to leave the grounds by themselves.
Please be prompt collecting your child. Staff have clubs, preparation, training and meetings which take place from 3.20pm.
As with any school, we do have difficulty with parking and we strongly recommend walking or cycling to school where possible, or parking further into the village and walking the last part of your journey. This does help with neighbouring residences!