Governance Structure
Langham CE Primary School Academy – Governance Structure
Individuals who sit on a Local Governing Bodies (LGB) are referred to as ‘Local Governors’.
This is because trustees can delegate governance functions to the local level. The continuous focus on Teaching and Learning and high standards requires local governors (particularly Chairs of Governors) to be able to interpret data and monitor performance expertly.
- Chair
- Vice
- Head teacher/Head of School
- Staff member
- At least 2 parents
- At least 3 Foundation Governors
The Local Governing Body meets at least 4 times a year to consider:
Provision; Safeguarding; Inclusion; Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Culture and Christian Ethos; Outcomes, Standards and Progress; Quality of the Curriculum Offer; EYFS; Behaviour and Welfare.
There are nominated Governors for each of these key areas linked to the Way Forward Action Plan. Some Governors may also undertake planned monitoring activities across other schools in our MultiAcademy Trust. There is an expectation that there is at least 3 Foundation Governors in each LGB.
The LGB consider:
- The Headteacher Report – self evaluation against current OFSTED criteria
- Impact of key actions undertaken from the Way Forward School Development Plan -
- Monitoring activities undertaken by the school and Governors
- Local and contextualised issues
- Resource Committee minutes
- Recommendations to the Trust Board
A LGB Resources Committee meets at least 4 times a year to consider – Health and Safety, Finance, Personnel, Premises.